All of our inspections are performed with the use of Thermal Imaging Cameras, digital probe moisture meters (Delmhorst) & exterior surface detectors (Trymax). Use of high – tech equipment makes our investigation results very accurate.
We promise to deliver a full & complete report of your exterior wall cover performance, sealant and flashing malfunctions, moisture intrusions, structural damages and also ENERGY LOSSES.
Full inspection report includes general & detail pictures, descriptions of problem areas.
Reports are delivered to recipient in 3 business days via mail or 24 hours via e-mail if requested.
Trymax surface moisture detector
Delmhorst probe moisture reader
Our Stucco Testing Process
Stucco Siding Inspection Solutions takes a phased approach to testing for stucco moisture intrusion problems. Our stucco inspections consist of Phase 1 and Phase 2 testing.
Phase 1 Stucco Testing
Phase 1 is a preliminary visual evaluation of the home’s exterior. We look for visual cues about how the stucco system was installed and how it is performing. We walk the property and take note of any visual evidence of cracking, staining and key installation details. We also look for the absence or inclusion of certain elements such as head flashing above windows and kickout flashing at roof-wall intersections. When elements such as these are missing, it is an indication that these areas may be vulnerable. We consult with our clients in regards to areas of concern or areas where moisture intrusion has already occurred (for example water staining around interior doors or windows) as well as where there has already been remediation work such as caulking.
We also appreciate the opportunity to gain access to the interior of the building to evaluate areas that have any evidence of moisture intrusion such as leaky windows and visible water staining. Because it is impossible to see through walls in order to obtain facts about how the home is performing it is necessary to move into Phase 2 testing.
Phase 2 Stucco Testing
Phase 2 testing is an invasive testing procedure known as moisture probe testing. This requires us to drill 2 small holes, about an inch apart, each roughly the diameter of a pencil. Through these holes we insert a digital probe moisture meter to test the moisture content of the substrate behind the stucco or the wooden parts of your home. We test portions of the home that are above the foundation and/or on a wooden substrate. We typically need to test the most exposed areas on each wall section, such as the lower penetrations/first floor windows, as well as the roof-wall intersections and any other areas of the construction that are vulnerable based on factors such as how the home was originally designed and constructed. All of the drilled holes are then filled with a professional sealant that closely matches to the color of your stucco and repaired so that you would never know they were there.
Depending on the results of Phase 1 & 2 testing; additional testing, known as Destructive Testing, where we cut out and remove the stucco/cladding may need to be completed. This may be the only way for us to see the flashing and construction details, as well as potential damage and any noted construction deficiencies that may be present.
Stucco Inspection Thermal Imaging
Stucco Siding Inspection Solutions utilizes scanners and infrared cameras which are great tools to help us locate moisture but cannot be used alone. The wet areas must be probed for rot and ACTUAL MOISTURE CONTENT, and then mapped to meet the test protocol. Thermal imaging cameras cannot detect damaged areas that are not wet, while invasive probing does allow you to feel the firmness of the structure (or the absence of the structure in cases of extreme rot and decay). Short of removing the entire system, we find that probing is the best method of testing and inspecting stucco systems.
Stucco Inspection Reporting
All of the information we gather during a stucco inspection; including photos with moisture readings and specific deficiencies, a summary checklist, condition assessments, and recommendations are put together into a custom report and delivered to our client within 3 business days via mail or 24 hours via e-mail if requested.
Stucco or Siding Detail Inspections Pricing
Pricing for Stucco or Siding detail Inspections
Thermal Imaging, visual and Written Report
Four side inspection $365.00
Three side inspection $320.00
Two side inspection $260.00
One side inspection $195.00
Stucco System Identification: Identification Only
One price $95.00*
All estimates free! All Inspections out of metro Atlanta and State of Georgia area will be subject to an additional $100 charge
All Buildings Over 5000 Sq. Ft will be subject to an additional charges.